Sunday, July 19, 2009

Another Year Gone By...

Both boys recently had birthdays! We can't believe that Jacob has turned 6 and will start the 1st grade in a few short weeks and Colin is 1! Seems like yesterday when we were anxiously awaiting his arrival!

Jacob got a trampoline for his birthday and it is a big hit for everyone in the house! He also got a Nintendo DSi that we are having to pry him away from. That kid LOVES some video games.
Colin is into everything these days...We spend a lot of time chasing him around the house.
We leave this Friday for our family vacation to New Smyrna Beach. The Stephen's have a condo there at the same time and we can't wait for some beach time with Ms. Amy, Mr. Tom, Luke and Rachel! We also can't wait to spend a few days with Nana and Papa and Aunt Adrienne and Uncle Mike!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Where Does Time Go???

I am a blog surfer. I even told Aunt Adrienne that Michelle needs to start a blog so we can follow her pregnancy. But for some reason, I can't make myself get on here and blog on a regular basis. Here it is the last day of the February and the last thing I have posted is Halloween pics. I know.....pure laziness. If I spent half the time on this that I do on Facebook, I would have an awesome sight for family and friends to keep up with us. I am not making any promises.

Here are a few pics of the last few months...

Didn't Jacob look handsome? Hard to believe he is going to be 6 years old in a few months. He has turned into such a great big brother. He loves to play with Colin.

Colin is getting so big. At his 9 month appointment, he weighed over 20 pounds. He loves table food and is starting to drink milk out of a sippy cup. He can stand on his own and acts like he will start walking any day. He is such a happy baby!

We have an exciting trip planned to Florida for Spring Break. We can't wait to see the family!
Maybe I will post again before then......maybe not.